341,020 research outputs found

    Brooklyn Diocese Starts a Graduate Medical School

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    A Tablet Screen Cast Receiver for Classroom with Low End Android Devices

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    Salah satu aktivitas menggunakan tablet adalah presentasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan aktivitas presentasi dilakukan menggunakan adapter VGA untuk bisa tersambung dengan LCD Proyektor. Konfigurasi ini memungkin presentasi berbasis kabel. Dan ini adalah hal yang menyulitkan penggunaannya untuk perangkat tablet yang memiliki sifat mobilitas tinggi. Beruntung, sudah ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan sistem presentasi yang bersahabat dengan membuatnya menjadi nirkabel. Tapi sistem tersebut hanya mendukung perangkat tablet high end. Pada makalah ini, kami mengajukan sebuah penerima tablet screen cast untuk perangkat tablet android low end. Yang memiliki potensi untuk diimplementasikan di kelas. Dari eksperimen, kami memperoleh hasil 9 FPS dengan delay sebesar 2 detik

    Receipt from the Tablet & Ticket Co.

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    Assessment and prediction of tablet properties using transmission and backscattering Raman spectroscopy and transmission NIR spectroscopy

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    This study investigated whether Raman and Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy could predict tablet properties. Granules were produced on a continuous line by varying granulation parameters. Tableting process parameters were adjusted to obtain uniform tablet weight and thickness. Spectra were collected offline and tablet properties determined with traditional analyzing methods. Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was used to correlate spectral information to tablet properties, but predictive models couldn't be established. Principal component analysis (PCA) was effectively used to distinguish theophylline concentrations and hydration levels and multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis allowed insight on how granulation parameters affect granule and tablet properties

    Perbandingan Efek Suplemen Besi Pra-hamil dan Selama Kehamilan dalam Upaya Menurunkan Anemia Defisiensi Besi pada Wanita Hamil dengan Anemia Ringan di Bali

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    Anemia defisiensi besi (ADB) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan wanita hamilterkait dengan tingginya prevalensi dan efek negatifnya terhadap kesehatan. Upayapencegahan telah dilakukan dengan pemberian tablet besi selama kehamilan. Akan tetapihasilnya belum memuaskan. Kegagalan ini mungkin diakibatkan oleh rendahnya bahkankosongnya cadangan besi tubuh sewaktu pra-hamil, terutama di negara sedangberkembang. Oleh karena itu, suplemen besi yang hanya diberikan waktu kehamilantidak cukup untuk mencegah terjadinya ADB. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan a quasiexperimental study pada 99 pasangan baru yang belum hamil yang terdiri atas 47 groupperlakuan dan 52 sebagai group kontrol. Tablet besi (200 mg ferrous sulfate) diberikansejak periode sebelum hamil pada group perlakuan yang dilanjutkan sampai dengan 3bulan kehamilan. Sementara, pada group kontrol diberikan tablet besi dimulai hanya padakehamilan trimester pertama. ADB didasarkan atas konsentrasi hemoglobin dan serumferitin sesuai dengan criteria WHO dan keuntungan pemberian tablet besi didasarkan atasteknik BCR. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi pada pra-hamildapat menurunkan prevalensi ADB lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pemberian tabletbesi yang dimulai saat kehamilan (0% vs 38.46%, p<0.05). Perbedaan yang signifikanjuga pada rerata serum feritin pada akhir pengamatan yaitu 33.45±14.12 ?g/dL padagroup perlakuan dan 19.65±8.99 ?g/dL pada group kontrol. Sementara itu, kadarhemoglobin adalah 12.25±1.20 g/dL pada group perlakuan dan 10.91±0.67 g/dL padagroup kontrol (p<0.05). Analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi yang dimulaisaat pra-hamil adalah lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan pemberian tablet besimulai hanya pada kehamilan (BCR >1). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada efeksamping dan kepatuhan pada group perlakuan dan kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil-hasil inidapatlah disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi yang dimulai masa pra-hamil adalahlebih baik dibandingkan dengan pemberian tablet besi yang diberikan hanya pada saatkehamilan. Program ini sangat mungkin diterapkan pada masyarakat karenakepatuhannya adalah baik

    Should there be a future for Tablet PCs in schools?

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    Tablet PCs are a relatively new format of computer, which seem to offer features which may be beneficial to schools. The uptake of Tablet PCs by schools has been somewhat limited, not least due to their greater cost than laptops of a 'similar' specification. This paper explores the key question of the extent to which schools should be investing in Tablet PCs, if at all, in preference to other formats of fully functional PCs, drawing on evidence from a Becta funded evaluation of the use of Tablet PCs in schools in England conducted in 2004-2005. The Computer Practice Framework was used to develop a set of questions which helped structure a meta-analysis of the data from 12 case studies that formed part of this evaluation. The methodology used and some limitations of the evaluation are outlined, and the key findings are described. The paper concludes that Tablet PCs do appear to offer significant potential to schools, though this potential was not being fully realised in most of the case study schools. A number of specific circumstances in which Tablet PCs do appear to be the most cost effective option are also identified

    Gender and Posture are Significant Risk Factors to Musculoskeletal Symptoms during Touchscreen Tablet Computer Use

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    [Purpose] To investigate the prevalence of neck and shoulder symptoms during the use of tablet computer, and to identify the risk factors associated with these symptoms. [Subjects and Methods] A cross-sectional survey was conducted to study tablet computer usage, posture during use, and neck and shoulder symptoms in 412 participants in a school setting. Significant risk factors for musculoskeletal symptoms during tablet computer use were identified. [Results] Overall prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms during tablet computer use was 67.9% with greater prevalence of neck symptoms (neck: 84.6%; shoulder/upper extremity: 65.4%). Significant risk factors associated with symptoms during use were: current musculoskeletal symptoms, gender, roles, and postural factors including: sitting without back support, sitting with device in lap, and lying on the side and on the back during tablet computer use. A multivariate analysis further showed that the odds for females to have symptoms were 2.059 times higher than males. [Conclusion] The findings revealed that female gender and other postural factors were significantly associated with musculoskeletal symptoms during the use of tablet computer. Among all postural factors, sitting without back support was identified as the most important risk factor for having musculoskeletal symptom